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in development
A biographical story from the Slovak National Uprising period about Imrich Karvaš, who saved Slovakia's national treasure from the Nazis. About a hero who was not at the war front at all. His weapon was wit. As the governor of the National Bank, he cooperated with the government in order to quietly move state resources away from the influence of the Germans and at the same time economically enable the emergence of the SNP. In a creative, often humorous way, he was able to find ways to escape the strict surveillance of the Nazis. The chaotic declaration of uprising and Tiso's betrayal eventually landed him in a concentration camp. Karvaš survived, but was not appreciated during his lifetime.

genre: Drama
length: 100 minutes
premiere: 2025
writer: Zuzana Dzurindová
co-author of the topic: Danica Matušová
dramaturgy: Daniel Majling
professional cooperation:Tomas Černak
producer: Zuzana Jankovičová, Simona Hrušovská, Super film (SK)
co-producer: RTVS (SK)

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